Excellent teaching is the key.
At Illawarra Christian School, we believe that excellent teaching is the key to effective student learning.
At Illawarra Christian School, we believe that excellent teaching is the key to effective student learning.
We employ highly skilled, innovative and passionate teachers who are excited about opportunities to continually grow in their ability to support and extend the learning of all students in their classes.
The school is an endorsed provider of NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) Registered Professional Development, and is committed to providing high-quality professional learning opportunities for all teachers to nurture their ongoing development and to build a vibrant learning community. There is a strong learning culture among the staff, who partner with each other as they develop their skills as excellent classroom practitioners.
In addition to in-school professional learning opportunities, staff at Illawarra Christian School engage in a broad range of courses provided by external organisations and presenters.
Teaching staff across different faculties are employed by NESA as Higher School Certificate examination markers. This experience provides outstanding professional development opportunities in terms of consolidating course knowledge, setting standards and developing collegial networks.