Our Careers Advisors offer an extensive career planning and counselling program from Years 9–12 that includes:
- personality testing and career matching
- opportunities to explore several careers through a week-long Work Experience program in Year 10
- subject selection advice in Years 10 and 11. This also includes facilitating alternate options of study through the VET and School-based Apprenticeship Programs and Distance Education
- White Card Training opportunity
- access to local and Sydney-based Careers Fairs and University and TAFE open days
- In-house Careers days
- assistance with University and Early Entry applications and scholarship, apprenticeship and cadetship applications
- resume preparation and mock interviews.
Students and parents have direct access to our school careers website. This website provides students and parents with more detailed information on career pathways, HSC and future learning options, job information and workplace learning and is updated regularly with timely careers information.